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Verfasst: Di Mär 17, 2009 9:17 am
von John of Bohemia
Dear Lady Nellwyn,

Unfortunately our scouts were withdrawn from the theatre of war because their services were needed elsewhere, so that I am unable to have any fact-based opinion. Wars do always have two storys or two sides of a coin. The Grand Halls can provide plenty of examples for this, with your war with Nimor Imphraezl only being the latest instance.

Do not missunderstand me dear Lady, I am not judging here. May be you are right, maybe Nimor Imphraezl is right, maybe the truth lies somewhere within, my knowledge is just not sufficient to know who's right.

The only thing I know, is that I react kind of suceptible on religious phrases in "diplomatic" concerns.

Even if you are right with you statement that Nimor Imphraezl does have an evil set of beliefs, I am nevertheless quite sure that neither Lady Arri, nor Lady Corinne were born in hell.

So say I,

Verfasst: Mo Mär 30, 2009 9:01 pm
von Nellwyn
We're still looking for grain. Please, send us your offers.

So say we all,

Lady Nellwyn


Wir suchen immernoch nach Korn. Bitte, senden Sie uns ihre Angebote!

So hoffen wir alle,

Lady Nellwyn

Verfasst: So Aug 20, 2023 7:41 am
von 메이저사이트
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