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Where did the term strategy come from?
What does strategy mean?
Which strategies can be used in Tales of Tamar?
Which strategies might be successful?


Where did the term strategy come from?

The term strategy comes from the greek strategia. It means military command. Nowadays, it is by no means limited to military concepts anymore.


What does strategy mean?

A strategy is the means to achieved a defined goal.
A strategy requires the use of resources and skills.
A strategy is aimed at a long-term goal, contrary to short-termed tactics, which are part of a strategy.

A strategy in economics, for example, is trying to achieve strategic advantages over competiting companies. Political parties, on the other hand, implement strategies to find recruit new supporters and keep them.

Strategies are also applied in private life. One of these is your own career. You build a strategy to advance in the workplace.

The oldest strategies are military strategies. During the course of history, especially during the time of Napoleon I, strategies became increasingly important. An important goal of strategists was it to keep the small, well trained and expensive armies during absolutism from being destroyed. This lead to a mathematical/scientific strategy of maneuvering.

The Levée en masse (1793) in France gave Napoleon I. a chance to develop new forms of strategy: large-scale planning and management of campaigns, concentrating at the weak points of the enemy.


Which strategies can be used in Tales of Tamar?

Tales of Tamar allows you to use all kinds of strategies, military strategies as well as political strategies or economical strategies.

Each Lord starts out with 7 acres of land. Of course you don't have to leave it at these 7 acres.

Expand your territories, obtain land that will bring you the most profit and follow your economic strategy to become the leading trader or manufacturer on Tamar.

Join an alliance or create your own to realize your political strategy. Be successful and becme emperor, or become the greatest military strategist.

But remember that the other Lords have strategies of their own.


Which strategies might be successful?

Each and every strategy can be successful. You need to trust your own abilities, and of course a little luck can't hurt.



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